After the thaw

All the lovely snow has melted, adding valuable water to the the ground water table and the lakes nearby.

A quick tour of nearby pools showed no sign of snow of freeze damage and everything appears to be in great shape.

The extra precipitation with the snow also means more water for filling our pools this summer. I can hardly wait to go swimming again.

13 thoughts on “After the thaw

  1. Some places are having floods and others drought. Our pool keeps getting filled with mud after each unusually heavy rain.

  2. To Pete I think your surranding concrete is sloped the wrong way (maybe a badconrete work or the ground is sinking)
    To Jim your pool may have a hole somewhere.Not neccesrly in the pool but arround light or maybe soemwhere in the line where the water can escape.
    Good luck

  3. Jim, I might be able to offer a few insights if you care to provide a little more information: Is your pool above ground or inground? Does it have a vinyl liner or concrete interior? Do you live in a northern climate or sunbelt? Did you winterize your pool this year, or did someone else do it?

  4. We have an above ground pool and most of the water has dissapeared, why does this keep happening? We have a vinyl liner and we did winterize out pool.

  5. I’m thinking of buying a new above ground pool. When should I install? It is getting warm now, and I think the chance of freezing is over. Do I need to wait until May 31st? Or can I install sooner?

  6. I am so ready for swim season!! I have a question concerning pool chemical alternatives. I read somewhere that you can use products like borax and baking soda to adjust alkalinity and ph. Is that true? I would love to save some money on chemicals this year. I did a search on your blog but came up empty – maybe a new topic for you?

  7. Rain/snow is a nice natrual way to fill pools in the off season. However, you have to protect from freeze damage in colder climates due to water filling back up your pool.

  8. Im not opening my inground pool this summer I will be away for three months My pool has 25k gallons how can I protect my pool and vnyl liner and beautiful cover

  9. Im not opening my inground pool this summer I will be away for three months My pool has 25k gallons how can I protect my pool and vnyl liner and beautiful cover

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